Saturday, January 8, 2011

What Stayed with You?

We are nearing the completion of our first week in the One Year Bible. As you think back over the last week, what one word, phrase or verse has stayed with you?

The first verse that jumped out at me was Genesis 4:7. "Sin is crouching at your door." Michael Benefield said, "It's like you walk out on the front porch and there's a mountain lion waiting for you." That's vivid!

I read that verse and I was struck by the thought, "Nothing has changed since the inception of mankind." Sin exists. Sin seeks to master. Satan tempts us toward sin in order to steal, kill and destroy. All sin has consequences. Do not let sin master you.

Sounds like Paul in Romans 6. The power of sin and of death is broken through the death of Christ. However, we still have to choose each day whether we will submit to sin as its slave or submit to Christ as His servant. I've been thinking about that verse all week, seeking God's grace to avoid sin.

What one word, phrase or verse has stayed with you this week?


  1. “God blesses those who are poor and realize their need for him, for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs. God blesses those who mourn, for they will be comforted."

  2. FAITH
    God asks His people to step out in faith, trusting Him for direction and provision.

  3. The "blessing" I must admit I know little about the culture and the power of a spoken blessing by Isaac to Jacob. Here is a pronounced blessing bestowed on Jacob via his and his mother deception and then within minutes Esau shows up and his whole crumbles when he learns "the blessing" has been given to his brother. So Isaac knows he has been deceived yet does not or is not able to retract "the blessing" and in fact latter on blesses Jacob again as he sends him off to find a wife. This hard for my mind to grasp.
