Friday, December 31, 2010

Consientious Objectors

I have noticed over the years that when a person walks with Christ, their desire to please Him increases. Motivated by love, every person that knows Jesus, wishes to serve Him well and honestly. Some people carry it to the point that they will not commit to do something if they do not believe they can do it fully and completely.

Why do I bring this up? Some of our church family might be intimidated by the idea of a One Year Bible. Not only is the time period a long time, but the days are actually numbered. The odds of missing a day increase greatly.

Some people will not want to start the adventure if they know ahead of time that they will not actually read every day. Some people, when they miss a day, will want to quit. Some believers are so conscientious about walking with Jesus that they might object to reading the Bible because they do not think they can keep their word.

If that is you, I would encourage you to plunge ahead anyway! Try reading the Bible everyday. It is a great and godly discipline to develop. If you miss a day or days, simply pick up your reading on the current day. If you wish to finish the entire Bible, go back and read the days you missed on the weekend or on vacation.

Suggestions for the Conscientious Objectors:

  1. When you miss a day, start your reading on the date of the day when you pick it up again.
  2. Try committing to read only the Old Testament through in a year.
  3. Try committing to read only the New Testament and Psalms through in a year.

There are many ways to mix and match. Our desire is not to show off a list of people that accomplished a task. Our deeper desire is to see a group of people grow more in love with Jesus because of being in His Word. Enjoy!

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